; REUDETECT v1.0a ( REU : 1700, 1764, 1750, 1024Kb and 2048Kb )
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Overview : Detection of REC and RAM-Type : 0 = 1700 (64Kbx1) or 16 = 1764/50 or bigger(256Kbx1).
;            Write to Registers 2-5 and compare.
;            Write 33 banks with "messy datas".
;            Fetch bank, inc bank-counter (banks $1500) if own dummy-bytes not found.  
;            Stash bank, write own dummy bytes for later comparing and fetch next bank.           
;            Skip bankcheck if dummy byte-chain found. Detection is finished.                
;            Read available banks, evaluate and drop some text on the screen.  
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
; 21. Januar 2005 M. Sachse (cbmhardware/People of Liberty)
; E-Mail : info(at)
; 22. Januar 2005 : Bugfix, add ram-type detection 1764, Vice and C64 compatibility, messy code reworked;   
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 
; GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
; License, or (at your option) any later version. 
; Source Code for ACME Cross-Assembler :
!to "reudetect.prg"

*= $0800

!byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$32,$00,$00,$00,$00

*= $080e

reubase      = $df00
reucommand   = $df01
banks        = $1500     ; to store found banks and count

; Detect REU 1700,1764/50 or 1/2MB
reudetect    lda #1           
             sta $0286            ; textcolor white
             lda #00
             sta $d020
             sta $d021
             sta banks
             sta reubase
             cmp reubase
             beq noreu       
             bne unsafe
unsafe       lda reubase
             and #16          ; check bit 4 for REU mem
             cmp #16          ; 16 = 256Kbx1 
             beq regcheck     ; yes, touch registers
             bne l1           ; no, 1700 ?
l1           lda reubase
             and #16          ; check bit 4 for REU mem
             cmp #0
             beq r1700        ; reu 1700 found
             bne noreu        ; no ram-type, no reu, no fun ...
regcheck     lda reubase
             ldx #2
loop1        txa
             sta $df00,x      ; write to registers 2-5                                         
             cpx #5
             bne loop1
             ldx #02 
loop2        txa 
             cmp $df00,x             
             bne noreu 
             cpx #5
             bne loop2
             jmp rinit
r1700        lda #reutext              
             jmp $ab1e
rinit        ldx #00          ; 1764 wake up
rinit2       lda #128         ; stash 
             sta config
             lda #$12         ; write some crap in ... 
             sta c64hi+1
             stx bank+1
             jsr main         
             cpx #33          ;  ... 33 banks into somewhere
             bne rinit2
             jmp action
noreu        lda #notext              
             jmp $ab1e
; Count banks 
action       lda reubase
             ldx #$00
             stx bank+1       ; reset bank counter
check        lda #129         ; fetch : transfer to C64 : $1300 
             sta config        
             lda #$13         ; C64 : $1300 
             sta c64hi+1 
             jsr main 
             lda #128         ; stash 
             sta config
             lda #$0A         ; write dummy bytes from $0900 
             sta c64hi+1
             jsr main         
             jsr bankcheck    ; check for existing ram banks
             cpx #33          ; try 33 
             stx bank+1
             bne check
             lda #0           ; restore bordercolor 
             sta $d020 
             lda banks        ; banks found ? 
             cmp #4
             beq r1764        
             bne j1
r1764        lda #4
             sta banks 
             lda #text1764              
             jmp $ab1e
j1           cmp #8
             beq r512
             bne j2 
r512         lda #reut512              
             jmp $ab1e
j2           cmp #16
             beq r1024
             bne j3     
r1024        lda #reut1024              
             jmp $ab1e
j3           cmp #20
             beq r1764
             bne j4
j4           cmp #32
             beq r2048
             bne j6 
r2048        lda #reut2048              
             jmp $ab1e
j6           lda #reuunk              
             jmp $ab1e
; Bank Check
bankcheck    ldy #$00       
l2           lda $0A00,y
l6           cmp $1300,y             
             bne l4            ; bank found ? 
             beq l3            ; no, check 16 Bytes 
l3           iny            
             cpy #16 
             bne l2            ; loop  
end          ldy #00
             lda #00
delete       sta $1300,y       ; delete buffer
             cpy #16
             bne delete        
l4           jmp l5 
l5           inc banks         ; bank found (inc), border color change and exit
             inc $d020 
config !byte 252
; Bytes and text

!scr "---C64-RULEZ!---"         ;  ;-)
reutext:  !text "REU 1700 : 128KB DETECTED",0
text1764: !text "REU 1764 : 256KB DETECTED",0
reut512:  !text "REU 1750 : 512KB DETECTED",0
reut1024: !text "REU 1024KB DETECTED",0
reut2048: !text "REU 2048KB DETECTED",0
reuunk:   !text "REU PORT DETECTED - BANK ERROR",0
notext:   !text "NO REU",0


           lda config
           sta reubase+1 
           lda #$00
           sta reubase+2
c64hi      lda #$09             
           sta reubase+3
           lda #$00
           sta reubase+4
           sta reubase+5
bank       lda #0
           sta reubase+6      ; Bank
rbytes     lda #16  
           sta reubase+7      ; 16 Bytes
           lda #$00
           sta reubase+8
irq        lda #$00
           sta reubase+9
           lda #$00
           sta reubase+10 
           lda $1
           lda #$30           ; RAM
           sta $1
           sta $ff00                   
           sta $1


Letzte Änderung: 2019-01-03 12:07:09
  Rubrik:  C64
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